Friday, January 21, 2011

My first adventure in keeping chickens.

Hi. My name is Janice and I have always loved chickens, even as far back as elementary school.  When I was in the 1st grade, one of my classmates lived on a farm.  Her father brought in baby chicks for Easter and all the children in the class got to take a baby chick home.  I remember being so excited over my chick! I carried it home in a brown paper lunch sack, peeping all the way.  That was the start of my  obsession with chickens.  I named her Henrietta with the help of my family and somehow she survived.  Soon we had 3 chicks because my brother and sister had to have their own.  As the chicks grew, Henrietta would follow me around the yard and even sit on my lap on the back porch.  Unfortunately for me Henrietta turned out to be Henry and soon started to crow on our chainlink fence.  Since we lived in the city, Henrietta, Fredricka, and Mabel all had to go.  It was many years before I could have chickens again, 50 years in fact! Since I love chickens so much I thought that others might too and would like to share their stories about their flocks, adventures, and mishaps.